David and Kathy's Days Out

Tank Driving
Not just Tank driving, as you can see, but five different vehicles to try,
David had a whole morning of driving through mud near Chester. Each vehicle had it's
own track with hills and mud splashes, the Bedford Truck can be seen negotiating it's
track in the above right picture. The Quad Bike was the most fun, but it was trying
them all that made the day different. By the way, it's the instructor sitting on top
of the Tank! |
Tiger Moth Flying
David did his Tiger Moth flying experience at Duxford, near Cambridge, which
is part of the Imperial War Museum. From only around 3,000 feet, the views over the
airfield and surrounding villages were excellent.
The flight lasted about an hour, during which David was allowed to take control and
fly! What's more the landing on a bumpy grass strip was the smoothest he'd ever
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