Eclipse 1999

That was it. The Last Total Solar Eclipse of the second Millennium! We
could have gone to Cornwall like most of the other people from these Isles that had an
interest, but (luckily) we decided to head for France, and Experience totality the
Continental way, that is, with croissants...
It rained in the morning, and cloud cover was quite thick as we headed to our
chosen field near the village of Monthois in the Champagne region of France...

Above is the field we chose to view the eclipse from, on the left you can see the Fiat
parked at the side of the field during the partial phase of the eclipse. |
I must admit that we were extremely lucky, we got good views of the
partial phase before totality, when the clouds parted to give clear views, but ten minutes
before totality we were under a thick black cloud.
With just a few minutes to go, in the cooling air, and darkening atmosphere, the cloud
passed, and we experienced a beautiful total eclipse for about 2 minutes in (a patch) of
clear blue sky. That was it though, five minutes later a low black cloud the size of
a Vogon constructor ship (big) obliterated any views at all of the second partial phase.
So, here are my pictures, taken on my trusty Canon T90
with 400mm lens, they are my first attempts, so I am pretty happy with them. The
partial photo was taken using a neutral density filter, no filter was used on the
others. You can click on the image to view a bigger version.
It really was an experience, we didn't expect it to get so cold before
the eclipse, or at least we didn't think a degree or two of temperature would have us
running for the coats.
What surprised me most though was the brightness of the solar corona, visible on the
total eclipse picture above, I was expecting something faint and more difficult to
see. During totality Venus became clearly visible, though we didn't see Mercury,
which was supposed to be near the sun.
As the sun began to appear from behind the moon, we clearly saw the Diamond Ring
Effect, shown in the above photo, though in this picture a ghost has appeared (in the
bottom left) which is caused by an internal reflection in the lens.
So, would we do it again? Certainly! When's the next one...
Back to France 99 | David's Desires
